Schedule (before COVID-19)

Schedule last updated on 1/27/20

TH 1/23 First Day: Introduction to Course and Discussion of Recent National Archives Controversy

Readings Mentioned Today:

T 1/28 Physical Archives and Digital Contexts

ASSIGNMENT: Before class, post a link to one archives-related conversation or topic (articles, videos, photos, audio, blog posts, social media material shared publicly) from the past week / month to Slack, along with some brief context re: what you found interesting about this content.

Readings for Today:

TH 1/30 Making Text Searchable

ASSIGNMENT: View at least one collections overview in Rhode Island Archival and Manuscript Collections Online (RIAMCO); does not have to be a Hay or Brown University collection, this is more an exercise in seeing how collections are described and organized (and a way to learn more about what local collections are in Rhode Island). Post a link to the collection information you viewed on Slack. You might also think about and discuss interesting aspects of the information provided here, the RIAMCO interface, the relationship between the perspectives of researchers, archivists, and subjects of collections material, or other topics.

Readings Mentioned Today:

T 2/4 Digitization, Remediation, and Digital Archives

ASSIGNMENT: Bring something to class(or a representative sample / piece of context; context can be digital, like a photograph for reference, if you have more to say about how this attempt at digitization feels limited / insufficient) that you’d like to discuss (and are comfortable discussing) in the context of its potential digitization

Readings for Today:

TH 2/6 Trip to The John Hay Library (Meeting with Heather Cole, Curator for Literary and Popular Collections)

Readings for Today:

T 2/11 “Born-Digital” Materials and Archives

Readings for Today:

ASSIGNMENT: Visit The Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine and post at least one link to something interesting you found there on Slack, with informal editorial commentary. Students interested in games / games studies may also want to look at the MS-DOS Games Collection.

TH 2/13 Encounters with Digital Archives

ASSIGNMENT: Today’s readings feature reflections on particular digital archives and initiatives. On Slack, add a link to a digital archive you’ve spent some time with and discuss your experiences using it (it’s fine if those experiences don’t align with anything particular from the readings, but you may try to find ways to connect them if relevant).

Readings for Today:


TH 2/20 Designing Digital Archives

ASSIGNMENT: Evaluate and informally review the design of a particular digital archive and its relationship to audience, content, and imagined use (feel free to re-visit archives previously discussed in class or on Slack)

Readings for Today:

T 2/25 Search, Algorithms, and Interfaces

Readings for Today:

TH 2/27 Digital Contexts for Community Archives (with Angela DiVeglia, Providence Public Library Special Collections)

Readings for Today:

T 3/3 Digital Publics

Readings for Today:

TH 3/5 Collections, Cultural Objects, People, and Data

Readings for Today:

T 3/10 Some Perspectives on Data in The Context of Digital Public Humanities Projects

Readings for Today:

TH 3/12 Data, Metadata, and Digital Archives 

Readings for Today:

T 3/17 Visualizing Data

Readings for Today:

TH 3/19 Working With (And Against) Data

Readings for Today:



T 3/31 Place, Archives, and Digital Scholarship

Readings for Today:

TH 4/2 Audio and Digital Archives: Sonic Archives and Podcasts About Archival Materials 

Readings for Today:

T 4/7 Digital Project Development Session (details TBD)

TH 4/9 The Long History of Digital Archives 

Readings for Today:

T 4/14 Artists and Digital Archives

Readings for Today:

TH 4/16 Digital Project Development Session (details TBD)

T 4/21 Grants, Labor, and Digital Publics 

Readings for Today:

TH 4/23 Speculative Archives (TBD)

T 4/28 Digital Archives in The Anthropocene

Readings for Today:

TH 4/30 TBD (collaboratively-designed wrap-up conversation with relevant readings)

T 5/5 Last Day of Classes / Discussion of Final Projects